Class 8: Four short lines with (4/5) main cadences and a higher start (№ 116−138)

This class consists of tunes starting high, on the 7-8th degree. Some belong to archaic genres (e.g. heroic songs, lullabies, oraydas), but there are many instrumental dance tunes performed on the accordion as well. The melody outline is descending – as required by the wide range, and there are sometimes relatively accurate though only partial fourth or fifth shifts (e.g. № 121−126, № 130−131, № 136). It is not rare to find a melody descending in step progression (№ 134−135). Just like among jir tunes, there is a saliently high rate of 4(4/5)x and 5(5)x cadential sequences. The groups are more populous than previously, most of them using Aeolian-Phrygian or mixolydian scales.

Group 8.1 consists of tunes whose tendency is descending as determined by the 5(4)b3 cadences. Some are in kinship with the narrower-range tunes with 5(b3)x cadences of Class 7. Some tunes in this group are the minor character № 116−117 and Ex.8.1a with 5(4)b3/6 cadences and № 128 and Ex.8.1b moving on a mixolydian scale.

Ex.8.1a. Four short lines with (4) main cadence

Ex.8.1b. Four short lines with (4) main cadence

Group 8.2 includes highly popular tunes with 4(5)x cadences, both mixo­lydian and Aeolian, which are strongly represented among jir tunes. Here belong № 118−119 and Ex.8.2a of minor character and № 129−132 and Ex.8.2b of mixolydian character.

Ex.8.2a. Four short lines with (5) main cadence

Ex.8.2b. Four short lines with (5) main cadence

Group 8.3 is also large with most tunes using Aeolian-Phrygian scales. The typical feature is the 5(5)x cadential sequence. The very popular № 120−12513 and Ex.8.3a of an Aeolian-Phrygian scale and the mixolydian-character № 133 and Ex.8.3b also belong here.

Ex.8.3a. Four short high lines with (5) main cadence

Ex.8.3b. Four short high lines with (5) main cadence

Group 8.4 contains three tunes with #6(5)4/5 cadences descending – sometimes by seconds – on a mixolydian scale (№ 134−135 and Ex.8.4).

Ex.8.4. Four short lines with (5) main cadence

Group 8.5 mainly contains mixolydian-scale tunes with 8(4)x cadences. Between their 2nd and 4th lines the fourth-shift is not infrequent (№ 136−138). The only Phrygian tunes in the group are № 126 and Ex.8.5.

Ex.8.5. Four short lines with (4) main cadence

Group 8.6 consists of two tunes with 7(5)b3 cadences: № 127 and Ex.8.6.

Ex.8.6. Four short high lines with (5) main cadence

13 Many have AABC form.